f you run an internet business and have an affiliate program, it is important to de
Image by affiliatesummit via Flickr
As important as it is to know that you, as a seller operating an affiliate program, should be available for helpful support, you may wonder why. Why is this help so important and how do you offer it? If these are questions you have, please continue reading on for the answers.
If you do not provide your affiliates with help and support along the way, you may find them dropping like flies. It is a known fact that people are unhappy when they can’t get the answers they want or need. You do not want to lose good or potentially good affiliates this way. Always make sure someone on your staff, whether it be you or another member, is available to find help through email or over-the-phone.
As previously stated, a lack of help and support may cause some affiliates to leave. Don’t expect all internet users to know how your company’s affiliate program works, how to get links, and so forth. There are many functioning affiliate programs online and they all operate in different manners. It is always important to be available for questions or complaints, but you can limit that frequency by properly training your affiliates and having how-to information available on your website. Have step-by-step guides with screenshots and a list of proven tips to get your affiliates started. When they have access to this information upfront, they are likely to ask fewer questions later.
It is also important to remember that help comes in a number of different formats. If an affiliate approaches you for help, they may not have a problem using your program. What they may have is a problem with is the sales page templates and banners available for use. You may not have their needed size or a sales page style that fit their needs. They may provide helpful suggestions, such as expanding the uploads. Of course, you don’t have to take these suggestions and implement them, but give it some thought. It if can benefit one affiliate, but might help them all.
Most importantly, providing your affiliates with help and support along the way should improve your affiliate program as a whole. Your affiliates do not have any confusion. There are no mistakes with their links or banners on your page. They are not breaking the rules. This benefits everyone involved. They help to legitimately and correctly generate sales and you get profits from those sales. In addition, since your affiliates always know they can turn to you to resolve a complaint, offer assistance, or accept suggestions, they are more likely to put forth extra work and effort.
As previously stated, there are many ways to provide your affiliates with help and support. In addition to having over-the-phone training sessions with new affiliates or step-by-step guides with screenshots available for viewing, have a dedicated email address setup just for your affiliate program. Ensure someone in your company is able to check this email at least four times a day.
Where you will run into problems is at night. You may work traditional business hours, but most affiliates don’t. In fact, some use affiliate programs as a way to supplement their full-time income, meaning they work late at night. Waiting 24 hours to receive a response is normal, but why not start an online forum for your members? They can provide each other with technical support, internet marketing help, and other tips. In fact, if you have top performing affiliates who consistently bring in sales, get them to volunteer their time or provide small compensation for them to be active in the forum. They can share their money making does and don’ts with others.
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