Do you want to use Twitter for internet marketing purposes? If so, it is first important to familiarize yourself with the written and unwritten rules of Twitter.
Before outlining a few important rules of Twitter etiquette, it is important to know why you should know them. First, if your main goal of using Twitter is to market yourself or your business. You are still in the minority. Many use Twitter to update friends and family on simple aspects of their life, including new clothes, new job, life at college, and so forth. This does not mean that you cannot use the service to your advantage. It does means that you need to proceed with caution, otherwise your Tweets may come off as spam.
Twitter Etiquette: Following
To successfully market yourself and your business online, you need to develop a large list of followers. These individuals will receive your message and updates. The easiest way to do this is to ask for trades online. If you belong to an online message board, ask to get followers. State that as a return, you will do the same.
When on Twitter, you will find that you are approached. An old friend or coworker may add you to their list of contacts. You do not have to follow someone just because they followed you, but it is good etiquette.
Twitter Etiquette: Spam
At all costs, avoid spamming on Twitter. It is not only frowned upon, but you may lose followers, otherwise known as friends or contacts. This can be difficult if you are using the service for the sole purpose of marketing, but there are steps you can take.
For example, did you just start to offer your services as a freelance writer? If so, send a Twitter message stating the change. Your message could include something like “I left the corporate world to work from home. I am now employed as a freelance writer.” You will likely receive a lot of congratulations, but you may also get questions, such as what type of content you write or what your rates are.
Twitter Etiquette: Overuse
A message, otherwise known as a Tweet, must be 140 characters or shorter. This is one of the few rules and restrictions you will find. This means that you can send a lot of Tweets throughout the day, but you are urged against doing so. Once again, if only using Twitter for internet marketing purposes, your messages may come across as spam.
It may be ideal to send only one Tweet a day. You can, however, respond to responses you receive. More is okay, just don’t send out 20 Tweets in one hour. In addition to subtly marketing a product or service you are selling, include a few personal messages as well.
Twitter Etiquette: Respond on Occasion
Similar to the above mentioned followers etiquette, if someone regularly responds to your messages with an @ response, do the same. This shows that you aren’t just using the service for your own personal gain. Yes, you may be, but remember the goal of internet marketing through Twitter is to do it subtly.
Twitter Etiquette: Keep It Professional
Since your main goal of using Twitter is to market or promote your business, it is important to stay professional. Yes, you do want to be friendly and promote healthy conversations, but do not mix too much business with pleasure.
For example, you can send a message cleverly highlighting a blog you just started and follow it with a movie recommendation, but don’t make your following message be about a party you attended with lots of alcohol. This is unprofessional and can draw attention away from your original purpose of using the service.
In short, Twitter is as great service to use. Not only can you stay in easy contact with friends, family, and former coworkers, but you can also use it as an internet marketing tool. With that said, proceed with caution. When promoting a business, even if not outright doing so, your words have serious meaning.
If you are interested in increasing sales, you may consider starting your own affiliate program. When doing so, you use either affiliate tracking software or the services of a third-party affiliate hosting website. Depending on the products you sell or the type of your business, your affiliates can use sales page templates or graphic banners and text links to promote your company. Regardless, tracking information is imbedded inside. Each time an affiliate makes you money, you both get paid. You get the sale and they get commission.
At first glance, it sounds easy to run an affiliate program; there is more to the process though. For starters, you must have graphics for your affiliates to upload. You must decide what interested individuals should be brought onboard. Then, you must be available to answer any questions, take suggestions and complaints. If this seems like a lot of work, you may consider hiring an affiliate program manager, but should you?
It should all depend on what you are selling. Affiliate programs are used to sell a wide range of products. Some use them to sell a single product, like a how-to eBook. On the other hand, retail stores of all sizes use them to increase sales. In most of these cases, it doesn’t matter which items sell, as long as there are sales.
If you are selling a single product, like the above mentioned eBook, manage your own affiliate program. You should have time. You wrote, proofread, edited, and listed the eBook for sale. There is not much left to do, as sales are automatically delivered to buyers. Managing an affiliate program will not consume your time. In fact, you can start writing your next eBook too!
If you are a small to medium sized business owner selling various products, it may be a good idea to hire an affiliate manager. With that said, think about your tasks. If you order your products wholesale, the process does not take long. However, if you make each of your products by hand, you barely have enough time to maintain your website, let alone promote an affiliate program. In this instance, an affiliate program manager would come in handy.
Another factor to consider is the employees you have. If you are self-employed and selling your own handmade goods, you work for yourself and alone. If you operate a small to medium sized business, consider delegating some of the tasks. Throughout the day, various members can answer emails or take suggestions from affiliates. This step is ideal in that you do not have to pay for or create another position. Share the tasks and the job is accomplished.
If you are thinking about hiring an affiliate manager to manage your program, your first instinct may be for a part-time position. This is good, as you have to pay less. However, when affiliates want help, they want it quick. Your affiliates don’t want to wait and may get discouraged if they have to wait 4 days to get an answer from your manager.
If you do decide to hire an affiliate manager, it is best to hire someone who can wear many hats. This person should have experience in sales, customer service, marketing, and graphic design. Your affiliate can handle any problems or tasks that involve your program, such as checking for links, creating and uploading new banners, providing technical support, and processing payments.
If you sell a product or a service online, an affiliate program can do wonders for your profits. A strong affiliate program enables you to rely on outside help. This outside help comes from website owners who display links and banners for your online store, the product, or service you sell. Each time a sale is made, you both make money. It doesn’t get much better than that.
If you are just now considering an affiliate program, you are likely to have many questions. One of those questions is about payment. What should you pay your affiliates and how should you pay them? In short, the decision is yours to make, but continue reading on for a few helpful suggestions.
In terms of how much you pay, you have two options. Those are percentage based and flat rate commissions. If you are selling a single product or service that sells for the same price all the time, it is best to have a flat rate commission. It is easy to know how much you owe your affiliates and it is easy for them to determine the amount owed. If you have a wide range of products, like if you operate an online store, you may find the best luck with percentage based commission. If you sell a wide range of high and low priced products, opt for commission based on category, such as a different rate for toys, clothes, and electronics.
As for how you can pay, you may not have a choice. If you use a third-party affiliate hosting company, they may have rules and restrictions. For example, you may be required to pay the company and they in turn pay your affiliates. More often than not, this gets complicated. If you wish to use a third-party affiliate hosting website, review the payment options and restrictions of all hosting companies before making your choice.
If you have the freedom to pay your affiliates anyway that you see fit, you may opt for checks. Business checks are ideal, as everyone is provided with a record. Your affiliates will need their paycheck stubs to calculate their income for tax purposes. From the standpoint of an affiliate, there are no fees for cashing a check at a local bank.
If you like the safety and security of business checks, but worry about the extra expenses of paper, consider direct deposit. All banks in the United States allow for direct deposit. If you are just getting started, know that some individuals have reservations about disclosing their bank account information. Make it possible for new affiliates to opt for checks first. Once they know you and your moneymaking program are legitimate, they may be more comfortable providing you with this information.
Your next option is to opt for PayPal. PayPal is preferred by most affiliates and home based workers. It is safe, quick, easy, and convenient. You may be charged fees to send bulk payments via PayPal. With that said, if you want to reduce the wasted paper, PayPal is one of your best options. Both you and your affiliates are provided with detailed records, which are easy to print for tax purposes.
Finally, you need to decide how often you want to pay affiliates. You do not want to cut checks for only $1 or $2. For that reason, decide on a minimum payout. With that said, look at it from the standpoint of your affiliates. It can take beginners months to earn $100. It may be best to opt for a low, but easy to process payment, like $10. You can always give your affiliates the option to set their own minimum payout, starting at $10.
In conclusion, you have many options when it comes to paying your affiliates. The good news is that you are in control. You determine how much your affiliates make, when they get paid, and how they get paid. When making these decisions, ensure you make money but also that your affiliates do too, as that is what keeps them coming back.
Running an Affiliate Program: How to Choose Your Commission Levels
If you use the internet to sell products or services, you may be interested in starting an affiliate program. With these programs, you rely on the use of website affiliates. They are also known as online agents. These individuals will use links and banners to advertise your products or services. Each has a special tracking code. That enables you to tell which affiliates helped you generate sales. Those affiliates are paid a commission for doing so.
In terms of affiliate programs, payments are made to affiliates a number of different ways. The most common is a preset set commission percentage. For example, if an affiliate has a 5% commission rate and they sell a $600 television set, they earn $30. On the other hand, flat commission rates mean the affiliate earns the same amount of money, regardless of a purchase. For example, an affiliate can earn $5 on the sale of a DVD, magazine subscription, or television set.
When determining how you should pay your affiliates and how much, there are a number of factors you should consider. What are they?
The number of products you have available for sale. If you are only selling one product, like a how-to eBook, it is best to opt for a flat commission rate. Your eBook sells for the same price, like $19.99. In this aspect, flat commission rates are ideal, as your affiliates know, upfront, how much they will make from each sale. If they sell a copy of your eBook, they automatically know they made $3 or whatever your commission rate is.
If you are selling a large number of products, like if you run an online store and provide generalized links to that store, use your best judgment. An affiliate can make good money by selling a flat screen television with a 5% commission, but may barely get pennies if they help sell a DVD. In this case, many affiliate program managers have specific commission percentages for each product category, like movies and books, toys, electronics, and so forth. With this approach, you ensure your affiliates get paid a fair percentage, but that you make money too.
If you are selling a service, it depends on the type of packages available. For example, if you are selling your writing services, you will get varying requests. One client may ask you to write an 800-word article and another client may ask for one hundred 300-word articles. In this aspect, commission based on percentage is best. You will not lose money if a referred client only wants a $15 project.
Finally, it is important to consider the average selling price of your products. If you run a specialty store, such as handmade children’s clothes, most of your products are similar in price. You can easily charge a flat rate commission and not lose money yourself. It is with a mixture of cheaper and expensive products be careful. Always think about the bottom line. Consider the cost of materials or purchasing wholesale, shipping, and other expenses. Make sure that when you add in the money paid to affiliates, you are still making a profit. Remember, affiliate programs should help you generate sales and income, not lose it.
When determining commission, you want to make money. You also want to provide affiliates with enough income to justify their hard work. For that reason, provide a solid commission. What you need to remember, as a product or service seller, is repeat customers. The purchase is made through your website; your affiliate just links them. Your customer orders and pays for their purchases on your website. They will remember this website and head directly there next time. Rarely are second purchases made through affiliate websites. Consider this onetime payoff worth it in the end. Affiliates help to generate interest and sales, but it is up to you to have a good product, good customer service, and affordable prices to generate repeat sales.
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ou want to increase your sales, you may opt for running an affiliate program. When doing so, you allow other webmasters and bloggers to do the promoting for you. Not only that, but you both benefit. When they help to generate sales, you get the sale and they get the commission. Most internet users and business owne see affiliate programs as a win win situation and they are.Although affiliate programs should benefit everyone involved, some programs take a turn in the wrong direction. Don’t let this happen to yours. Remember, the goal of an affiliate program is to promote your company or the products you sell. To ensure this is what happens, please continue reading on for a few helpful tips.
Do not let just anyone into your affiliate program. You will find a lot of varying information about this very subject online. Some affiliate managers recommend letting anyone interested join the program and other have rules and restrictions. For now, be lax on the rules, but use your best judgment. Do not accept an affiliate that has questionable videos, picture, or content on their website. It is usually best to avoid websites that use excessive bad language or have pornographic videos and pictures.
Do create a detailed application for interested applicants to complete. If you use a third-party affiliate hosting site, you may need to make a special note to the administrator. These websites often have their own standard applications. At the every least, get the name of the website your links, banners, company name, and products will be displayed on. Make sure it is inline with your views and company image.
Do not be afraid to reject some applications. As previously stated, you should not let anyone into your affiliate program. This is very important if your company name or products are linked-to on the website. You have an image to protect. With that said, saying you are going to reject is easier than doing it. You may feel bad for the applicant or think about the money lost. Don’t. If it will make you feel better, offer a brief explanation. If the applicant is on the right track, but not there, provide a few tips. Encourage them to implement these tips and then reapply for the program.
Do not expect to see results right away. If you started selling a product or a service, you already know that you cannot build an empire overnight. For example, if you wrote and eBook that you now sell online, it took you months to write that book, proofread, and edit. Then, you had to design a cover and upload to the web. You likely marketed your website before deciding on an affiliate program. You saw right away that just because a product or website is online, it doesn’t mean people will find it. Remember this about your affiliate program. It may take applicants awhile to learn about the opportunity. It make take even longer for their efforts to generate sales. Never give up on an affiliate program before the two-year mark. If after that point, you are still losing money, terminate.
Finally, be sure to invest time in those who look promising. Whether it be a consistent top performer or a new affiliate who looks promising, invest your time. Always encourage your affiliates to actively promote your company and products, but reward them for jobs well-done. Always be available or hire an affiliate manager to take questions, complaints, and suggestions. A happy affiliate will do the most for your company.
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Before outlining how you can use @Replies to your advantage on Twitter, it is first important to understand the process. Twitter is an online social networking website and micro-blog. Once you register for a free account, you are able to develop a list of friends. You can follow these friends and they may do the same for you. Updates are sent through mobile phone web applications, RSS feeds, some instant messaging programs, and the Twitter website. These updates are text based messages, which should be shorter than 140 characters each.
When first signing up for a Twitter account, you will be promoted to provide the password for your email account. Although optional, this will allow you to see if your contacts have Twitter accounts. You can also find friends by searching by location, name, or email address. This is easy, but if your main goal is to use Twitter for internet market purposes, you need to expand your contacts. You can do this by simply reading profiles and finding someone interesting or you join online message boards. This is best if you stick with those inline with your business. Do you sell pet products? Join a pet message board and ask others to join you on Twitter.
As for how you can use @Replies to sell a product or a service, you do so by becoming a follower. This is where you can benefit from returning the favor. If someone becomes a follower and reads your updates, do the same. Although this is not required, it can work to your advantage. Why? Because some Twitter members do more than just post what they are doing. Some also ask questions or ask for help on a certain subject. If those questions or subjects pertain to what you are selling or have to offer, you could easily make a sale.
In keeping with the above mentioned example of selling pet supplies, do you run an online pet store? If so, you may sell a wide range of pet supplies. By finding other members of Twitter who are pet owners, you stand to make a profit. For example, did another member send an update saying “My dog ate my new pair of sandals. This is the 3rd time it has happened. I am so frustrated!” This is your perfect opportunity to mention a dog obedience training book or video you sell.
Online, you will find many people that outright advertise they have a product or service to sell. Yes, it is possible to do this, but you may be classified as a spammer. For that reason, it is best to use replies to your advantage. For example, you may already know that you can use affiliate websites and Google Adsense to make money online, but this is something that people learn each day. Someone may send a message saying “I want to make money with my blog, but it just isn’t working. What am I doing wrong?” If you are a web content writer, this is your chance. You can offer a response similar to “I am a professional web writer. For an affordable fee, I can write a few blog posts for you or show you how to make money with your blog.” Since you are responding to a Twitter, your post seems more helpful and less like spam.
As a recap, the best way to use Twitter for internet marketing to increase your sales is to doing so subtly. For that reason, use @replies to your advantage.
f you run an internet business and have an affiliate program, it is important to de
Image by affiliatesummit via Flickr
As important as it is to know that you, as a seller operating an affiliate program, should be available for helpful support, you may wonder why. Why is this help so important and how do you offer it? If these are questions you have, please continue reading on for the answers.
If you do not provide your affiliates with help and support along the way, you may find them dropping like flies. It is a known fact that people are unhappy when they can’t get the answers they want or need. You do not want to lose good or potentially good affiliates this way. Always make sure someone on your staff, whether it be you or another member, is available to find help through email or over-the-phone.
As previously stated, a lack of help and support may cause some affiliates to leave. Don’t expect all internet users to know how your company’s affiliate program works, how to get links, and so forth. There are many functioning affiliate programs online and they all operate in different manners. It is always important to be available for questions or complaints, but you can limit that frequency by properly training your affiliates and having how-to information available on your website. Have step-by-step guides with screenshots and a list of proven tips to get your affiliates started. When they have access to this information upfront, they are likely to ask fewer questions later.
It is also important to remember that help comes in a number of different formats. If an affiliate approaches you for help, they may not have a problem using your program. What they may have is a problem with is the sales page templates and banners available for use. You may not have their needed size or a sales page style that fit their needs. They may provide helpful suggestions, such as expanding the uploads. Of course, you don’t have to take these suggestions and implement them, but give it some thought. It if can benefit one affiliate, but might help them all.
Most importantly, providing your affiliates with help and support along the way should improve your affiliate program as a whole. Your affiliates do not have any confusion. There are no mistakes with their links or banners on your page. They are not breaking the rules. This benefits everyone involved. They help to legitimately and correctly generate sales and you get profits from those sales. In addition, since your affiliates always know they can turn to you to resolve a complaint, offer assistance, or accept suggestions, they are more likely to put forth extra work and effort.
As previously stated, there are many ways to provide your affiliates with help and support. In addition to having over-the-phone training sessions with new affiliates or step-by-step guides with screenshots available for viewing, have a dedicated email address setup just for your affiliate program. Ensure someone in your company is able to check this email at least four times a day.
Where you will run into problems is at night. You may work traditional business hours, but most affiliates don’t. In fact, some use affiliate programs as a way to supplement their full-time income, meaning they work late at night. Waiting 24 hours to receive a response is normal, but why not start an online forum for your members? They can provide each other with technical support, internet marketing help, and other tips. In fact, if you have top performing affiliates who consistently bring in sales, get them to volunteer their time or provide small compensation for them to be active in the forum. They can share their money making does and don’ts with others.
Do you sell online? Whether you run a full-fledge online store or if you only sell a few products on eBay, your success depends on marketing. After all,
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Before focusing on how you can use Twitter to market products you sell, it is important to understand the system and how it works. Twitter is an online service that is defined as a social networking micro-blog. Users join the site and make contacts online. Then, messages or updates are sent. These updates can be received on the Twitter website, a mobile web application, instant messaging programs, Facebook, and more.
The first step in using Twitter to market your for sale products is to join. If you aren’t already a member, it is easy to get started. Visit the website and register for a free account. This involves creating a username, password, and providing your email address. Then, you are ready to get started.
The next step is to develop a list of friends, also known as contacts and followers. Fortunately, this is very easy. Start with importing your contacts from your email account. You can also search for contacts based on location, name, and email address. If you belong to an online message board community, create a post asking for other’s Twitter account information.
Once you have registered for a free Twitter account and created a fan following, you can start to market your products. Your first thought may be to create a short message outlining the products you have for sale, their price, and a link to buy. Yes, you can do so, but you want to avoid sounding like you are spamming. The key to making a sale on Twitter is to sound like you aren’t selling anything, even though you are.
To get started, send an update to your friends. The goal of your first message shouldn’t be to sell, but to rather reintroduce yourself. This is recommended if your list contains a bunch of unknowns from the internet. Your first message could be something like “Still trying to learn my way around the Twitter website. Thanks for joining me in the journey.” Then, you can work your way into marketing your products. This first personal message gives the impression that you aren’t just interested in making contact to sell.
Once again, it is important to be subtle. Instead of saying “Buy a leather office chair from my online store,” try something more creative. For example, say “I got a new leather office chair into sell. It looks pretty functional, what do you think?” Yes, you are advertising a product and your message implies so, but you aren’t outright asking for a sale. You will see this makes a huge difference. Twitter members don’t want to be bombarded with sales offers, but you will find that many like to express their opinions or give feedback. In the end, the results are the same. If someone likes what you are selling, they will buy.
Next, you can use Twitter @replies to market your products. When doing so, you can search for Twitter messages on or send replies to updates you receive from those you follow. For searching, look for messages or questions pertaining to the products you sell. In keeping with the office furniture example, if someone states they are browsing for new furniture, send a quick @reply offering a link to your website.
When replying to members you follow, only market your products when applicable. For example, if you receive an update that says “heading out for the party,” don’t respond with a link to your office furniture store. This is considered spam and you may lose the contact in question. Remember, no one wants to be bombarded with sale offers on Twitter, so use clever marketing tactics.
If you are just starting an affiliate program, you need to find affiliates. You have a website outlining the terms and conditions of your program and an
Image by Joel Mark Witt via Flickr
Article directories. Article directories are popular and they do show results. Website owners have been using them as internet marketing tactics for years. Moreover, other websites and blogs use your articles. All information, including links back to your affiliate program website stay. Within weeks, you will find this information scattered around the web. Article directories work by linking back to your website. Before submitting an article, check your links. Ensure they do lead back to the correct spot.
When using article directories, you have two main options. You want to target internet users who want to get behind a good product or service, like what you have to offer. You also want to target experienced website owners and bloggers who are looking for another way to increase their income. You can write articles about the products or services you sell. Do a review and at the end of your article mention that readers can make money through promoting. For those who want to make money online, write generalized articles about affiliate programs. Cover topics that include what they are, how they work, and how everyone makes money. At the end of each article, provide a link back to your affiliate program website.
Online classified ads. When looking for jobs, many individuals bypass the printed employment sections and opt to find the same information online. This is where the greatest potential is. When choosing online classified websites, opt for those with free or reduced rates. Clearly highlight your program. There is some confusion. Many classified websites have strict rules on pyramid schemes. If you are just paying your affiliates each time they help you generate a sale, no strings attached, you should not have problems.
When using online classified ads, it is important to explain your opportunity in detail. Not everyone knows what affiliate programs are. If your listing states “earn 5% commission,” most readers will actually think that is in addition to an hourly rate. It is not. Fully explain your affiliate program, the tasks required to make money, and the payment terms. Eliminate confusion and weed out applicants right from the start.
Job posting websites or forums for home-based workers. Many people want to work from home. That has lead to an influx of work-at-home job posting websites and message boards. Visit these websites and look around. Can you post listings for affiliate programs? If so, do it! These individuals have already decided they want to work from home. Your opportunity allows them to do that.
When posting information about your affiliate program and linking back to your website, provide as much information as possible. As previously stated, these individuals want to work from home and most have done research already. They should know that an affiliate program is based on sales and commission only, not an hourly rate. Still, provide as much information as possible. Work-at-home job and opportunity listings seem less like a scam when they go into great detail.
Online message boards. When it comes to online message boards, opt for those that are based on running websites or blogs, internet marketing, or working from home. These individuals can give your affiliate program the most time. Many are also educated on running a website, marketing, and ad placement.
When highlighting your paid affiliate program opportunity and linking back to your website on a message board, read all rules first. Some only allow you to advertise job opportunities in specific sections. Don’t spam the boards. Next, utilize profile links and signatures. Wherever you can put a link without breaking the forum rules, do it. The key to leading potential affiliates to your website is to post and often. The more messages you post on a forum, the more your links will appear.
In conclusion, there are many ways that you can lead potential affiliates to your program website. In fact, these are just a few of your options. Overtime, you will see that word-of-mouth works great. When your affiliates start making money, they will discuss the opportunity with others. Soon, you won’t need to lead applicants to your website, as they will find it on their own.
Not Using Twitter for Marketing: Why You Are Making a Mistake
Have you heard of Twitter? If you are an avid internet user, you likel
Image via CrunchBase
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At first glance, Twitter is a popular social networking website. If you use the internet to generate income, not to socialize your first thought may be “another MySpace.” Remember, Twitter can not only be used for social purposes, but for internet marketing. That is why you should get started today. In fact, the longer you wait, the more opportunities you miss.
So, why are you making a mistake if you fail to utilize Twitter as an internet marketing tool? Because:
It is free. There are very few successful internet marketing techniques that are free. Often times, you are left paying for a professional to optimize your website for the search engines or left buying advertisements. These investments are risky, as they may not pay off. Since Twitter is free to use, there is no investment and you assume no risk. Essentially, you have nothing to lose.
It is popular. Did you know that Twitter has over 2 million members? Since Twitter is a social networking website, you are paired with millions of internet users who want to communicate, network, and make new friends. Use this to your advantage.
Many well-known companies and organizations use Twitter. For example, you can find information on NFL updates, hit television shows, and news report updates on These Tweets come directly from the source. If the NFL, NBC, CNN, and other well-know companies and organizations are continuing to use Twitter, it must be producing results.
There are many ways for you to develop a list of contacts on Twitter. In terms of Twitter, contacts are referred to as follows and followers. If you receive updates from other Twitter members, you are considered a follower. The same is true if that person, in turn, follows you, as they will receive your updates. On the website, search for contacts based on email address, name, and location. Visit to find those talking about subjects that interest you or are related to what you sell. Ask online for contact information exchanges.
You can advertise yourself casually, yet professionally. Do you sell a product or a service? If you were to create a banner for an exchange or for an advertising slot, a lot of time and energy will go into your creation. After all, these are supposed to be professional. Yes, you want to carry yourself in a professional manner on Twitter, but you will find the most success with casual, disguised advertisements. This means that it will be quick and easy for you to spread the word and market.
You may be losing money. When you are able to send an update or an @reply that casually incorporates your sellable products or services, you generate interest. If you provide a link, you will generate traffic. That traffic could easily lead to income. Although there are no guarantees, many internet marketers report success when using Twitter as a marketing tool.
If you run an affiliate program, you want your affiliates to perform their best. After all, the more traffic your affiliate’s websites get, the more c
Image by affiliatesummit via Flickr
As nice as it is to hear that contests can motivate your affiliates to perform their best, you may wonder why. What makes them work? There are a number of different reasons why. Contest rewards often include monetary compensation or prominent highlighting. Regardless of the rewards, people love contents. This is particularly true with tasks they do everyday or enjoy, like designing websites or internet marketing. Contests will provide your affiliates with drive, determination, and motivation.
What does drive and determination from affiliates mean for you? It should mean increased sales and profits. The more an affiliate markets their website, the more traffic it will receive. Each website visitor should see your links displayed. If they like the link or what you have to offer, they are likely to click through. At this point, a sale is likely. Not only should you reward affiliates with contests, but always emphasize the fact that the more traffic a website gets, the more money they make. This, alone, is enough drive and determination for some.
So, what type of contests should you host? It all depends on your preferences. With that said, make it exciting. Over months, you will notice a pattern in the top earning affiliates. It is usually the same group of individuals. For some, once they get started, it is difficult to slow them down. This is good. After all, they earn you money too. However, don’t let your other affiliates, especially those who try hard, feel like they are being left out. It may be best to alternate your contests or hold two contests at the same time. Reward the top performing and the most improved affiliate.
When hosting contests for affiliates, you can also think outside of the box. Consider all the aspects of affiliate programs. As previously stated, a well-trafficked website translates into click throughs and sales. You want to encourage your affiliates to market their websites. Host a contest seeking unique internet marketing ideas. Reward the top five affiliates with the best answers. Take all of the ideas and compile them into a list to share. A professional and easy to navigate website is ideal, as it keep readers on the website and coming back. Host a contest looking for the affiliate with the best designed or the most easy to navigate website. When you think outside of the box, anything can be turned into a contest.
As for the rewards, you have many options. As previously stated, they include compensation and recognition. For some individuals, seeing their name posted on your website or in the monthly affiliate newsletter is enough. However, most would prefer compensation. Take the frequency of your contents into consideration. If you offer monthly contest winners money, opt for a low reward, like $25. If you offer one contest a year, make the prize big and worthwhile, like $500 or $1,000.
Speaking of frequency, how often should you host contests for your affiliates? Your goal is to improve moral, drive, and determination. For that reason, the more contests the better. Consider hosting one or two a month. Aftertime, new affiliates will see that they have the opportunity to earn additional cash or attention. If you have monthly contests scheduled, they know they didn’t miss the opportunity to win. They won’t give up simply because the deadline has passed.
In conclusion, contests are an easy way to increase your sales, please your affiliates, and keep the relationship a healthy and positive one. If you operate an affiliate program and have yet to offer a contest, try it. Chances are you will notice an increase in sales from your affiliates and hear positive feedback from members.
If you run an affiliate program, the effort put forth by your affiliates impacts on your profits. They more they market a website, the more views your li
Image by LevelTen Interactive via Flickr
The Pros of Offering Affiliate Bonuses
Your options. Affiliate bonuses come in a number of different formats. You can decide how you want to offer this reward. For example, you can do a onetime commission increase for top performers. Increase their commission from 2% to 3%. You can opt for a short-term commission increase. For example, increase all of your affiliates’ commission levels from 2% to 4% in the month of December. There are also year-end bonuses. You can opt for bonuses for all affiliates or just those who made a certain amount of money.
They serve as a good source of motivation. As previously stated, not everyone is motivated when it comes to affiliate programs. Yes, it seems silly. An affiliate is in control over how much they make, but some rarely do any work. In fact, you may have affiliates on your program list that don’t even have your links displayed. These individuals will be motivated when they hear about a bonus. For that reason, announce all bonuses ahead of time. Give your affiliates a goal to work towards. If they meet that goal, they are rewarded. If not, it is their loss.
They impact your profits. Your one concern about offering affiliate bonuses is the extra money it costs. Yes, you will spend more, but consider the end result. Your affiliates are going to put forth extra effort to promote their website and your links, especially if they know there is the chance to get a great year-end bonus! Where to want to be cautious is with under performers or those that do not even have your links displayed. Don’t offer bonuses to these individuals, as you automatically lose money.
The Cons of Offering Affiliate Bonuses
They can be difficult for you to implement. As previously stated, if you want to do a year-end bonus, make sure your top earning affiliates get the most. After all, they did the most work. This means going down through the list of your partners and calculating bonuses. This can take time. It may be better to opt for an increase in everyone’s commission for a month or two. This involves changing a few settings in your affiliate tracking software and nothing more.
Your affiliates may come to expect these bonuses. Yes, bonuses do serve as a source of motivation, but your affiliates may come to expect them. If you cannot afford to give a bonus next year or raise commissions, you may have a disgruntled bunch. If you offer year-end bonuses, tell your affiliates it is a one-time thing. If you can afford and choose to give a bonus the following year, good. If not, there isn’t a big loss or uproar.
Some of your affiliates may get angry if they did not get a bonus. You should have a terms and condition contract that your affiliates agreed to. If not, make one. In that agreement, should be information concerning compensation. If not, update. Your affiliates should not disclose their commission rates or bonuses. Healthy competition is good, but discussing bonuses when not everyone got one often leads to trouble.