Are you an internet marketer? Although you may not technically be employed as one, it is one of the many hats you will and should wear when working online. Do you run a website or blog that sells a product, service, or generat
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If you are new to internet marketing, you will turn to the internet for research. You will get many great ideas, including the use of article directory back links, buying advertisements on other sites, exchanging banners with other webmasters, and search engine optimization. These are important internet marketing steps, but to maximize your results, think outside-of-the-box. When you do, you will find Twitter.
Twitter is a social networking micro-blog. Users can communicate with each other through updates, also known as Tweets. Many Twitter members highlight their daily activities, but many also use updates to generate traffic to their websites or blogs and to increase sales. Straight up advertisements are allowed, as long as they do not qualify as spam. With that said, many find the best approach to be taking the roundabout way. If your sell a product or service, drop hints and highlight what you do or what you sell. Be sure to include a link.
As nice as it is to hear that you can use Twitter for internet marketing, as a newbie, you may have a few questions. Continue reading on for answers.
Question: Why use Twitter for internet marketing?
Answer: The better question should be why not. There are over 2 million members on You will not communicate will all members, but it gives you an amazing opportunity to meet and network with others. By playing your cards right, you can find your targeted market. For example, do you work as a freelance web designer? If so, your target market is those who want to make money through affiliate links or business owners who want a professional website.
Question: How much time does Twitter take?
Answer: It all depends. Like any form of internet marketing, the time and energy you put forth depends on you. With Twitter, you want to take it slow and easy. If you create too many messages directing your followers to products you sell online, your messages may be considered spam. For that reason, send a few Tweets a day. Since Tweets are 140 characters or less, this is easy. The most time consuming part of Twitter is finding and adding contacts.
Question: What can be marketed on Twitter?
Answer: Just about anything. As previously stated, it doesn’t matter whether you sell a product, a service, or if you generate income through affiliate links, you can market yourself on Twitter. You can do so by sending carefully crafted updates. @replies can be sent to members on your list or those you find on Look for members that ask questions you can answer. Always provide a link to your website or blog.
Question: Won’t people turn away from advertisements?
Answer: Yes. As previously stated, you want to carefully craft your Tweet messages and @replies. Don’t just say “Come shop at my online store.” Instead, send messages stating that you updated your store, got a new product in, or ask for feedback. Always provide a link and those interested will click, but without feeling forced into doing so.
Question: How much money can I make using Twitter?
Answer: It varies. Twitter is a service that is free to use. You are not paid for using it, but there is income potential. The first step is driving traffic to your website or blog, where you sell a product, service, or have affiliate links displayed. It is, however, important to have something good to sell. No matter how much traffic your generate, poor quality products and services will not sell.
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